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Zeck Law Offices, LLC in Ridgefield, CT

Zeck Law Offices, LLC (Real Estate Attorneys) is practicing law in Ridgefield, Connecticut. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category Lawyers - All in Real Estate Attorneys.

You can reach us on phone number (203) 734-1100, fax number or email address Mark@ZeckLaw.com. Our office is located on 35 Danbury Road, Ridgefield, CT,

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Areas of practice & Law firm overview

Zeck Law Offices, LLC is listed under Real Estate Attorneys in Ridgefield, Connecticut .

Areas of practice and expertise

Gun Trusts Firearms Trusts NFA Trusts Corporate Formation Criminal Law Probate Estate Planning Wills Family Law Matrimonial Law.

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1 comments, questions or reviews - Add

Nancy Phillips posted a comment

Attorney Zeck you know I don't have much but I will try and get a small retainer together anything if you will consider going after Attorney Mike D'Onofrio for contempt just because its not fair that Mr. D'Onofrio owes Joe thousands of dollars and won't pay a loosely fifty dollars a week when he promise to pay two thousand before that and still has his practice and isn't disbarred or in jail for all the lies when he had insurance all along and this is the third time he has made promises to the courts to pay Joe and hasn't. Joe may have his problems but its not fair that this Attorney is getting away with not paying Joe. I talk to a Attorney whom I never knew before on the phone and when I mention Mr. D'Onofrios name his exact words to me were that guy needs a punch in the mouth. The honest to God truth. Attorney Bloat I think was his name. Please what would it take to bring Mr. D'Onofrio before the courts and a judge there already mad at him big time you would be doing the justice system a great service and all the people he is cheating out of there money. Thank you again Nancy Phillips

Written August 2015 on a Thursday (2015-08-13)

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Zeck Law Offices, LLC
Connecticut lawyer

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Zeck Law Offices, LLC
35 Danbury Road
Ridgefield, CT 06877

Contact Zeck Law Offices, LLC to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.

Office hours

We maintain normal 9-5 business hours but remain flexible to meet clients on Weekends and after hours as needed.


Phone: (203) 734-1100
Fax: No listed fax number.

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