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Washington, G Russell - Washington Law Office in Guthrie, OK

Washington, G Russell - Washington Law Office (All Law Firms) is practicing law in Guthrie, Oklahoma. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category Criminal Lawyers in All Law Firms.

You can reach us on phone number (405) 282-4000, fax number or email address . Our office is located on 127 S Broad St, Guthrie, OK,

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1 comments, questions or reviews - Add

MARILYn hill wrote something

lost job, no$ to pay other half of ur fee, can contact me by email, letter or stop by. marilyn hill I survived childhood atrocities s well as domestic abuse, not :-/ counting the users and abusers along the way. shelter and lawyer disguised me and I wld change in judges chambers, I was stalked, terrorized, abducted, physically and sexually assaulted (please forgive me, I hv lived this all my life and am used to speaking about the horrific things and I forget otherS do not hv things li::)e this in their life. in Beaumont, tx supported me thru nursing school. plus I worked on and off 2 jobs.
I now find myself in situation where I will b homeless at end of month , I hv to leave everything behind, not that I had that much. , I was was slugged in back(i have damaged kidneys, I finally succeeded in being self sufficient, for reason I do not understand, a housekeeper got our DON to call txbon, I must hv offended her, told her not to transfer,
or move patient cz she wasn't certified or trained the 'ladder of success bc I hv to endure "investigation," and bc txbon cldnt contact me, (come to find out, txbon was mailing stuff to wrong address, I just started a job bt on 2nd day my boss showed me that txbon hasd put "formal charges" ,on my lvn license, they said I cld still worl bt no one wants to hire nurse w that stigma attached. iv tried to get jobs bt guess im at the archaic level. my 2 sons are going to rent apt close to their jobs, they were upset, and I endured it, sometimes crying in room, I hv bn charged at, like i was goIng tob hit, , i recognized the angry eyes and turned to flee bt he slugged me on back, (congenital kidney problem), I slept on floor, and was often called names, the one that made me cry(I thot I had used up enough tears for life,), "dumb bitch," hurt the most. I always tried to giv all 4 kids what they wanted, (2 adult married daughters, son, 26, then a son,18. anyway iv had to beg, borrow and sell anything of value to pay bills, rent etc., im out of things to sell, sons fed up cz im not bringing money, its the daily verbal abuse of course iv bn thru this w their dad, bt it hurts more than any pain I hv. I nvr thot id hv to endure. they nvr acted like that before. anyway they are moving to an apt , I hv no where to go, dont know anyplace to go and nothing to show for this life. I figured on last of month id grab a few necessities and backpack it to anywhere, kids had decent life, sports, drill team, band, at times I worked too much and had seizures from no food no rest. for a few years people wld alwAys tell me how BEAUTIFUL I was ,"a godess), bt now I am a washed up blonde w gray and dark roots, broken, horrible teeth(from childhood neglect, ex stomped on my head w such force it shattered all bones on right side of face)I developed personality to outshine ugly teeth. bt I. given all that up, what do I do, where di I go?
most arent used to that sort of conversation, it shocks and/or jaw drops the recipient) I hv had to move a lot and always prayed for time when I can just "chill".im one tough cookie. I Landlord knocked, unlocked door, came in w his wife. Of course they show up when I decided to skip cleaning, (was on strike, figured if it got bad enough sons might clean(never works) landlord said someonefrom city utility called him to tell him the city ordinance states that if u have no water u will b evicted, said they have right to force us to move. Also city told him they will cut electricity tomorrow(never got notice, why did they call landlord to inform him, they could have mailed it to is, or emailed it. It's bad enough I was humiliated by city staff, but now she's telling others about our conundrum (guess HIPPA doesn't apply to city staff. what worried me more was
that it would b really easy for ex to try. whitesboro, tx 76273
no phone bt bfore it was shut off it was 903=209=8040

I survived childhood atrocities s well as domestic abuse, not :-/ ountttyng the users and asbusers along the way.  shelter and lawyer disguised me and I wld change in judges chambers I was stalked, terrorized, abducted,  physically and sexually assaulted (please forgive me, I hv lived this all my life andc am used to speaking about the horrific things and I forgetDARS in beaumont, tx supported.me thru nursing school. plus I worked on and off 2 jobs.
I now find myself in situation where I will b homeless at end of month , I hv to  leave everything behind, not that I had that much, lost all the nice stuff after hurricane, was slugged in back(i have damaged kidneys, I finally succeeded to be self sufficient, for reason I di not understand, a housekeeper got our DON to call txbon, I must hv offended someone on the 'lladder of success bc I hv to endure "investigation," and bc txbon cldnt contact me, (come to find out, txbon was mailing stuff to wrong address, and when I showed them they had wrong address I meekly asked they remove "formal charges" wording on verification site.) had just started a great job bt on 2nd day  my boss showed me that txbon hasd put "formasl charges" ,on my lvn license, and owners of nursing home wld nvr let someone like that to work here) they said I cld still worl bt no one wants to hire nurse w yhat stigma attsched.  iv tried to get jobs bt guess im at the archaic level.  my 2 sons are going tttyI rent apt clise to their jobs, they were upset, and I endured it, sometimes crying in room, I hv bn charged ar like he was goIng yo.hiy me, one time I recognixed the angry eyes and turned yo f2flee bt he sluggedme on back( congenital),    kidneys problem, I slept on floor, and was often called names, the one that made me cry(I thot I had used up enough tears for life,), "dumb bitch," hurt the most. I always tried to giv all 4 kids what they wanted, (2 adult married daughters, son, 26, then a son,18. anyway iv had to beg, borrow and sell anything of value to pay bills, rent etc., im out of things to sell, sons fed up cz im not bringing money, its the daily verbal abuse   of course iv bn thru this w their dad, bt it hurts more than any pain I , nvr thot id hv to endure. they nvr acted like that before. anyway they are moving to an apt , I hv no where to go and nothing to left to show for this life.  I figured on last of month id grab a few necessities and backpack it to anywhere, kids had decent life, sports, drill team, band, at times I worked too much and had seizures from no food no rest. for a few years people wld alwAys tell me how BEAUTIFUL and, my favorite that always makes me laugh was ,"a godess" that wld boost anyones confidence, bt now I am a washed up blonde w gray and dark roots, broken, horrible teeth(from childhood neglect, getting hit in face)I developed  personality to outshine ugly teeth.  bt Iv given all that up, what do I do, where do I go?
most arent used to that sort of conversation,  it shocks and/or jaw drops the recipient) I hv had to move  a lot and always prayed for time  when I can just "chill".im one tough cookie, bt I am tired, worn down. I hv degrees in nursing . and early childhood ed. im a little afraid to trek by myself, a tad fearful I will end up as a "jane doe" face up in a ditch.bt also relieved , no one to b hurtful. if u hv any ideas etc, please let me know.

Written January 2015 on a Sunday (2015-01-25)

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Washington, G Russell - Washington Law Office
Oklahoma lawyer

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Washington, G Russell - Washington Law Office
127 S Broad St
Guthrie, OK 73044

Contact Washington, G Russell - Washington Law Office to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.

Office hours

Listed business hours are general only. Call (405) 282-4000 to learn about office hours.

Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


Phone: (405) 282-4000
Fax: No listed fax number.

Email address

No listed email address.

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