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Rodney R Moody in Everett, WA

Rodney R Moody (Employment & Labor Law) is practicing law in Everett, Washington. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category Lawyers - All in Employment & Labor Law.

You can reach us on phone number (425) 259-5656, fax number or email address . Our office is located on 2825 Colby Ave, #302, Everett, WA,

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Rodney R Moody is listed under Employment & Labor Law in Everett, Washington .

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Russell Leininger added information

Russell Charles Leininger
1210 SE 135th Ave
Portland, Oregon 97233-1928




I plead guilty to rape of adault woman ,both girls had I.D. 18 and 21.

Had i went to trial , I would have been found not guilty.
all medical reports confirm no injuries to both girls and was not rape.

My uncle Ross Sicilia told Jon Ostlund I was [A] Prince of Poland--Jon Oslund got a five day continue acting like metal distress and in Anxiety and desperation to get me to plead guilty--Both Jon Ostlund and the state Mac D, Setter went into a conspiracy to make illegal Judgement and Sentence because I own a German Historical name if a Federal offense and both Lawyer by law need arrested.

Because of Washington Appellate Project Attorney Vanessa M. Lee i have over $20 million in damages to the reputation of our family business russ leininger polishing and plating Corp ,that is Masic Industrail.

Vanessa M. Lee is a Criminal hater and very prejudice against white people.

Its only because Washington Appellate Project acted so prejudice my wife is at trial do to being charge as "NEGLECT" and DSH wants her Kid because Im untreated sex offender is millions of dollars is cruel and unusual punishment and illegal restraints at this time.

Washington county circuit court no.
J150426 CA A161125
Oregon Supreme Court: SC S064812

is now being reviewed over Russell Leininger not in sex offender treatment

Anastasia Boffoli
DSH Jennifer brown Washington county

Bellingham WA Superior Court is place of action.

Russell Charles Leininger has a Certified history of deafness, and “delusional hearing” , plus 2nd and 3rd grade reading, writing, and punctuation skills. Celiac disease is my most recent diagnosis. It takes [11] years to heal your brain once taken off all medications including wheat flour and other gluten products.

Court of Appeal said they never could decipher my complaints over the guilty plea. They finally hired Washington Appellate Project in case No. 60717-1-I to decipher Russell Charles Leininger’s words.

November 25, 2008
Letter from Washington Appellate Project
Attorney Vanessa M. Lee

“Enclosed please find a copy of the supplemental brief which I filed yesterday, at the request of the Court of Appeal. I know that this was not the issue that you wanted me to raise”.

YOUR HONOR, I"M OBJECTING to being assessed mentally ill at the time of the guilty plea by Atty Vanessa Lee without any evidence. She filed this brief without any mental records.

I told this lawyer that my cousin Christopher Sicilia hired Attorney James Matthews to investigate rape conviction No. 90-1-00252-0 to see why State of Washington could not RCW 71.09 civil commit Russ Leininger for life.

See the problem is Attorney James Matthews advised us that the guilty plea is illegal on its face. That I, Russ Leininger, had never been advised of the first amended information, and Atty Lee argued that, in her opinion, (unsubstantiated) that I was mentally ill at the time of the guilty plea. She didn't cooperate with the reason why the Court of Appeals opened up the case to begin with.

Atty James Matthews said my own Public defender Jon Ostlund must have been working with prosecuting Attorney Mac D. Setter from the time Jon Ostlund received a continuance of five (5) days at day of jury trial by not informing me of "first amended information" (attached) that took place by the State Prosecutor during that five (5) day continuance. Atty Ostlund threatened me into pleading guilty to the original information. See attached guilty plea written statement. That's the evidence I was being advised of which is illegal advice.

At this point, both State and public defender "both attorneys" are making Russell Charles Leininger believe "both counts of first degree kidnap" will be dismissed if I plead guilty to their illegal language in count two (2) Rape in the first degree in an attempt to make judgement and sentence read like the first amended information.

No information or indictments with this information using language "count #2. rape in first degree" until the first amended information appeared. That’s the conspiracy Washington Appellate Project Attorney Vanessa M. Lee was supposed to make exhibits with real evidence did agree and then wrote this letter: “Enclosed please find a copy of the supplemental brief which I filed yesterday, at the request of the Court of Appeal. I know that this was not the issue that you wanted me to raise”. (attached)

Attorney Matthews advised us that the Washington state Attorney General in RCW 71.09 wanted 90-1-00252-0 rape conviction Overturned because I had been sentenced to gun conduct in conflict of the first amended information.

Christopher Sicilia is Russell Charles Leininger's little cousin at Russ Leininger Polishing and Plating Corp loft stock that is now the owner of Masic industrial Portland Oregon 1-800-852-6363. Christopher Sicilia hired attorney James Matthews to investigate Bellingham Washington Superior court files 90-1-00252-0.

1) Public defender Jon Ostlund did write guilty plea statement. That is the evidence of the advice which I received at the time of the guilty plea, which is in conflict with the first amended information.

(2) Attorney Matthews read the guilty plea transcript confirming that both (2) count of first degree kidnapping would be dismissed immediately if I plead guilty to count [2] rape in the first degree gun element which is also in conflict with the first amended information.

(3) Note: I, Russell Leininger, read the pre-sentence investigation report and I wrote a written objection to the sentencing Judge because it was in conflict with the guilty plea written statement.

(4) Attorney James Matthews made the discovery “first amended information” matched the Pre-sentence investigation report” In conflict of sentencing gun elements and was the actual reason why the Attorney General wanted the case overturned at the time of my early release.

State cant force Russell Leininger into gun conduct, pleading up is illegal in Washington State when you consider the first amended information.

Constitution demands that Russell Leininger be informed to "first amended information". And by not doing so, the state of Washington violated my rights guaranteed by the U.S. Bill of Rights,and the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution , including the right to due process, equal treatment under the law of the people regarding enjoyment of life, liberty, property. and protection.

Thank you for your time and if this case for you let us know.

Russ Leininger respectfully submits his claim

Written February 2018 on a Thursday (2018-02-01)

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Rodney R Moody
Washington lawyer

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Rodney R Moody
2825 Colby Ave, #302
Everett, WA 98201

Contact Rodney R Moody to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.

Office hours

Listed business hours are general only. Call (425) 259-5656 to learn about office hours.

Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


Phone: (425) 259-5656
Fax: No listed fax number.

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