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Raymon and Raymon- LLC in Tuskegee, AL

Raymon and Raymon- LLC (Vehicular Accident Attorneys) is practicing law in Tuskegee, Alabama. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category Lawyers - All in Vehicular Accident Attorneys.

You can reach us on phone number (334) 727-6700, fax number (334) 727-0000 or email address . Our office is located on 402 N Main St, Tuskegee, AL,

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Areas of practice & Law firm overview

Raymon and Raymon- LLC is listed under Vehicular Accident Attorneys in Tuskegee, Alabama .

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Vehicular Accident Attorneys in Tuskegee

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2 comments, questions or reviews - Add

Homer Douglas Cobb, IV added information

Mr. Raymon: For your records this that you may need to know. My wife, Noreen Hand-Cobb is off of her medication now, as you and your Office can tell by her phone calls. This is one of her hate her husband months that I have to go though every 3 or 4 months every year that we have been together now for 15 years. We don't need all of the things that she wants, but the hot water heater is needed and at this time that's all. She wants to go on vacation to see her brother, but without me going he want like that, and david one of her 3 son want answder the phone for months at a time. Mike her other son called the police to her for trespassing 2 weeks ago. She wants to give the 2014 Nissan away to some guy and is from time to time having a few house guess stay until I can run them off. She went to jail for calling 911 to much and will go to court soon. just like her doctors has said to me years ago that the older she gets the worse she will get to the one that is the close to her. Which you and me is all she has that she can trust. In the pass we filed for divorced 5xs in 13years letting the fifth one go though. I love my wife Noreen, but that Reenie hand is ruff. if I get lucky we will make case law if she files again, because I'm not going to let them homeless people that are pushing her to devorce make me louse my loving wife, Noreen that comes out every 3or4 months. You will play a big part in how much and is it worth it, is devorce the right thing for her. Please keep this in mind, I do not harm her, I do not take are spend any money with out her knowing about it, all of my bank statments are for her to see any time, and when she call 911 she gose to jail 30% of the time 70% they leave after she takes her meds. Any thing that you can do to help us would be nice. I'm going to try to stop the police from coming to our home unless it's a life are death deal. She can file a report online if she needs to and if a crime happen. She is going to get both of us arrested if she keeps calling. over 125 times in 15 years is to much with 8xs she went to jail, now 9xs in jail. When I want let her do or go some were like your office without an appoinment she calls 911. she has no family that loves her as much or more that me. she knows that I'm writting to you. I'm going to keep trying to get her to take her meds and will keep the cost down on her court case. Russell county case is over as I see it, Dead docket. in Aug. its been 2yrs. with out a trial. Thanks for your help and thanks for your time in this matter, your Friend, Homer (Doug) Cobb
370 Lee Rd. 220
Phenix City, Al. 36870

Written June 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-06-09)

Homer Douglas Cobb, IV asked a question

Mr. Raymon: For your records this that you may need to know. My wife, Noreen Hand-Cobb is off of her medication now, as you and your Office can tell by her phone calls. This is one of her hate her husband months that I have to go though every 3 or 4 months every year that we have been together now for 15 years. We don't need all of the things that she wants, but the hot water heater is needed and at this time that's all. She wants to go on vacation to see her brother, but without me going he want like that, and david one of her 3 son want answder the phone for months at a time. Mike her other son called the police to her for trespassing 2 weeks ago. She wants to give the 2014 Nissan away to some guy and is from time to time having a few house guess stay until I can run them off. She went to jail for calling 911 to much and will go to court soon. just like her doctors has said to me years ago that the older she gets the worse she will get to the one that is the close to her. Which you and me is all she has that she can trust. In the pass we filed for divorced 5xs in 13years letting the fifth one go though. I love my wife Noreen, but that Reenie hand is ruff. if I get lucky we will make case law if she files again, because I'm not going to let them homeless people that are pushing her to devorce make me louse my loving wife, Noreen that comes out every 3or4 months. You will play a big part in how much and is it worth it, is devorce the right thing for her. Please keep this in mind, I do not harm her, I do not take are spend any money with out her knowing about it, all of my bank statments are for her to see any time, and when she call 911 she gose to jail 30% of the time 70% they leave after she takes her meds. Any thing that you can do to help us would be nice. I'm going to try to stop the police from coming to our home unless it's a life are death deal. She can file a report online if she needs to and if a crime happen. She is going to get both of us arrested if she keeps calling. over 125 times in 15 years is to much with 8xs she went to jail, now 9xs in jail. When I want let her do or go some were like your office without an appoinment she calls 911. she has no family that loves her as much or more that me. she knows that I'm writting to you. I'm going to keep trying to get her to take her meds and will keep the cost down on her court case. Russell county case is over as I see it, Dead docket. in Aug. its been 2yrs. with out a trial. What should we do to get her help? Thanks for your help and thanks for your time in this matter, your Friend,
Homer Douglas Cobb, IV
370 Lee Rd. 220
Phenix City, Al. 36870

Written June 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-06-09)

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Raymon and Raymon- LLC
Alabama lawyer

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Raymon and Raymon- LLC
402 N Main St
Tuskegee, AL 36083

Contact Raymon and Raymon- LLC to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.

Office hours

Listed business hours are general only. Call (334) 727-6700 to learn about office hours.

Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


Phone: (334) 727-6700
Fax: (334) 727-0000

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No listed email address.

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