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Ragsdale, Clay M - Ragsdale LLC in Birmingham, AL

Ragsdale, Clay M - Ragsdale LLC (Astrology & Numerology) is practicing law in Birmingham, Alabama. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category All Law Firms in Astrology & Numerology.

law firm lawyer attorney lawsuit class action birmingham alabama environmental securities personal injury practice representing individuals, small businesses. - From http://www.ragsdalellc.com/

You can reach us on phone number (205) 290 6800, fax number or email address clay@ragsdalellc.com. Our office is located on 517 Beacon Pky W, Birmingham, AL,

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Areas of practice & Law firm overview

Ragsdale, Clay M - Ragsdale LLC is listed under Astrology & Numerology in Birmingham, Alabama .

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Civil Action Vaccine Injury Environmental

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JJ Cox 605 Baywood Dothan, Al 36305 (334-685-0653) I would like a consultation as soon as we can set it up. Especially since they're having a conference call Tueday 19th. asked a question

CASE # 1145059
Sewer Manhole overflowing for 5-6 days
The emergency pump stations red light in Chapelwood came on March 27th on Sunday night. That night a neighbor called to report the light on no one ever came. My son lives right in between the manholes on property 1206 and 1202 which he lives at 1204 Baywood between both manholes. When I found out 1202 Baywood was overflowing on Tuesday the 29th of March 2016 which overflowed until April 1st. I called ADEM April 1, 2016 and the city finally came out conveniently that afternoon when the light was off and the overflowing had stopped when they got to my lot on 1202 Baywood they really did not have much of an explanation since the overflowing at that time had stopped and their explanation was a (breaker tripped). I called and requested ADEM to send the report to see if there were any inaccuracies in the report. I did get the report from ADEM and there was a lack of accuracy. They stated it did not go into a state stream and that was estimated without substantial basis. Even gave wrong address 1204 Baywood and it's 1202.
Also I requested the city to send a surveyor to come out and survey the property to make sure the sewer manhole was on my lot and he did confirm it is on my property but it is the city's manhole on 1202 Baywood. He surveyed 1206 Baywood but I have got to call him Monday the 18th to see if it's on my property. I was not aware of 1206 Baywood overflowing until I spoke with a neighbor that said he had seen it overflowing multiple times. He said he thought the owner of the home beside 1206 was aware of it overflowing and reported to the city. But, I am going to follow up and see if any complaints have been made on 1206 Baywood, but we have video contradicting there report that it did reach the stream. We have multiple video's of the overflowing sewer manhole flowing into the stream and the red light on March 29th to April 1, 2016. Also, it had not rained when this overflow occurred up until Thursday the 31st at 3:31pm. So therefore when it started raining using any common sense since the sewer manhole was consistently flowing up until Friday how would it not pick up speed and flow into the state stream? Negligence.

This report below was sent to ADEM from The City of Dothan. In the report they're some conditions that are inaccurate. In there report they state "there was evidence of a previous small overflow around the manhole top with no indication of having reached surface waters of the State. If you look at the attached report they only stated in this written report due to a loose wire. I have another report and it said was due to a Breaker tripped also when I talked to them at the lot that was what they said a tripped breaker. Nothing was mentioned about a wire. Also EPA said they are having a conference call Tuesday with ADEM Emily Anderson Chief of Dept. of Municipal,Stephanie Ammons Assisstant to Emily, Billy Mayes,PE Director The City of Dothan, The City of Dothan Outside Attorney Adam Sowatka and Bill Bush EPA Attorney, Brad Ammons.EPA, Discussing while it took so long to respond and if actullay if it reached waters. I did tell him I had a video (Whether that was wrong or right for me to tell him) He did really want me to send it. But that did not happen. I did show Billy Mayes the video The Director of The City of Dothan but he only saw a clip of of it. So that will be interesting since they reported to ADEM it did not reach a stream. Sounds like the city of Dothan is getting ready to lawyer up!

Written April 2016 on a Sunday (2016-04-17)

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Ragsdale, Clay M - Ragsdale LLC
Alabama lawyer

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Ragsdale, Clay M - Ragsdale LLC
517 Beacon Pky W
Birmingham, AL 35209

Contact Ragsdale, Clay M - Ragsdale LLC to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.

Office hours

Listed business hours are general only. Call (205) 290 6800 to learn about office hours.

Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


Phone: (205) 290 6800
Fax: No listed fax number.

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