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Plummer, Barbara - Plummer & Jackson in Salem, OH

Plummer, Barbara - Plummer & Jackson (Lawyers) is practicing law in Salem, Ohio. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category All Law Firms in Lawyers.

You can reach us on phone number (330) 332-0852, fax number or email address . Our office is located on 1265 E State St, Salem, OH,

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Plummer, Barbara - Plummer & Jackson is listed under Lawyers in Salem, Ohio .

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There's currently no information available about fees or if Plummer, Barbara - Plummer & Jackson offers free initial consultation.


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4 comments, questions or reviews - Add

Andrea Parker asked a question

Hi Barbara my name is Andrea Parker my brother, Joe Salcone and I recently learned of aunt Virginia Spanbauer’s passing. We were made co executors of her estate in 1989 and were curious if we need to do anything to help settle her affairs. Please contact me at 330-307-7376 or by email at aparker0825@aol.com

Written January 2018 on a Monday (2018-01-15)

Gregg Courtad wrote something

I had hoped to contact you in a less public forum, but I can't find your email address listed on this page. Please disregard this message if this information is incorrect, but it is my understanding that you recently purchased the former mansion, now apartment building, that is just north of my property, 443 S Lincoln Ave in Salem. I am writing to inform you that your tenants are keeping a dog chained up in the front yard (which really gives a positive image of your property) and that dog has been menacing anyone who approaches my property. It will not let me walk up the path to my home or even stand on my portico; if I do either of those things, it jumps and barks aggressively. A week ago, it came after the mail carrier when he tried to deliver mail to your tenants. I am new to Salem, and do want to be on good terms with my neighbors, therefore I have not said anything up to now, but tonight changed everything. Tonight I went out to spray a hornet's nest in the dark on the SOUTH side of my property, far away from your property, and the dog appeared to charge me as if it were unchained, halting only when the owner screamed at it hysterically. I don't want to be the cause of anyone losing their pet, but could you at least communicate to your tenants that they MUST keep the dog in the back, which is separated from my property by a high fence? If it cannot control itself, it should not be where it can menace passers-by. In the meantime, I will be consulting with lawyers to find out what liabilities all parties, including the landlord (now that you have been informed), will face should the dog succeed in harming me on my own property (which it desperately seems to want to do).You do not need to contact me--this is just a preliminary notice. If you can get your tenants to keep the dog in the back yard, I think that everything should be fine, but they MUST keep it back there ALL the time when it's not indoors, otherwise, eventually someone is going to get hurt.

Written September 2017 on a Wednesday (2017-09-27)

Gregg Courtad posted a comment

I tried to contact you via phone, but you don't have an answering machine. Your tenants (or their guests) who use the west parking lot at 413 South Lincoln are constantly playing their car stereos at volumes that rock the inside of my house (yes, it's that loud). Can you speak to them about this, or do I need to call an attorney?

I'm not going to put up with this for too much longer--the next step is to call the police. In the meantime, I will post on this website every single time they play their music at obnoxious volumes in hopes you will begin to understand just how annoying this problem is, and with what frequency it occurs.

Thank you.

Written February 2018 on a Monday (2018-02-26)

Diane Hardy asked a question

My father passed away almost 2 years ago. My sister Louise Webb was executive on our side and Stefaney was on her moms side . In the will did Joyce Carman get Louise taken off some how. My dad is Homer Carman of Kensington, Ohio. I am a daughter of Homer. Please email me back. dianesue58@yahoo.com. Thanks again.

Written May 2017 on a Monday (2017-05-01)

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Plummer, Barbara - Plummer & Jackson
Ohio lawyer

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Plummer, Barbara - Plummer & Jackson
1265 E State St
Salem, OH 44460

Contact Plummer, Barbara - Plummer & Jackson to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.

Office hours

Listed business hours are general only. Call (330) 332-0852 to learn about office hours.

Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


Phone: (330) 332-0852
Fax: No listed fax number.

Email address

No listed email address.

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