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Marc L. Meigs in Portland, OR

Marc L. Meigs (Personal Injury Attorneys) is practicing law in Portland, Oregon. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category Lawyers - All in Personal Injury Attorneys.

You can reach us on phone number (503) 291-9220, fax number or email address . Our office is located on 9999 SW Wilshire St, #110, Portland, OR,

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Marc L. Meigs is listed under Personal Injury Attorneys in Portland, Oregon .

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spencer malone added information

This article is to expose the waste and fradulant behavior of the fusion centers.

After serving many years as a law enforcement officer While searching a vehicle I was stuck by a needle. Department protocol required taking the introvenous drug user to the hospital to be checked for diseases. He tested positive for hepatitis C. I hadbeen expposed thru no fault of my own. I have this paperwork. The City of China Grove drug theie feet in paying the hospital bills and I began getting collection letters. I went to the town manager who acted as I had done something wrong. I reported the town tothe NC labor board who levied a large fine because the town was.not providing hep A,B vaccinations to the Officers. I was alienated from that point on so I resigned my position.

I am now thru obvious vindictiveness on a watch list to be stalked,harrassed,threatened,demeaned and alienated from my family, peers as well as the cummunity as a whole. I have been followed from North Carolina, to New Jersey, to New York, to Portland, now to California where it continues as I sit on the side of the highway.

The task for the fusion centers victim is to demoralize a person to the point of no hope. Using such tactics to condition someone was used in Russia as well as Germany in the 1940 s. I have never seen these tactics used while serving as a police officer because of our constitutional rights. Fusion Centers need not abide by these rights.

After the victim has lost everything he has no choice but to turn to the homeless shelter. The fusion people had beat me there. Co mingling with the homeless and advising them Hey that guy was a cop. Aliented from the lowest group in our society is not pleasant. The threats of violence ensued from there leaving to live in the car. When having exausted the small amount of disability money I get each month I turn to the churches that feed the homeless only to be chased from there as well.

Everyone on the streets of Portland know knew me by face and vehicle as the fusion people had done there job well. The looks of disgust from the parents as well as their children. When no one will speak to you the isolation can feel overwhelming. Forget about any self esteem you may have had. I even had a old man tell me to get the hell out of town that I wasent wanted there. I have heard many a comment like why dont you kill yourself, and they are going kill him meaning me. One teenager told his friends while in earshot of me that his daddy said they were going to kill me soon.

As I slept in the car the teenagers would show up in great numbers and shoot bb guns at my car. They would walk past me parked at all hours with threats or disparaging comments. The police turn a blind eye. I have spoken to the city, fbi, homeland security and now senator's offices to no avail. How much lower can you bring a man down. Maybe they wont stop till I really am dead.

After loosing my carear I made some terrible decisions that I still regret. I became addicted to pain pills dealing with constant pain from injuries as well as flare_ups that were constant from all the stresses. I have never been violent or hurt anyone. I have always been to forward with a big mouth. At times a temper. No violent tendencies though.

As I travelled from Oregon to California I was followed by no less then 50 vehicles bearing Oregon or Washington tags. They even have uhauls to tow other vehicles. Who pays for the gas,lodging,equipment,food and countless other supplies. It seems that their funds are in exhaustive.

The police dept sat back and watched this all happen and did nothing to stop it. They ignored all requests for help. I.am interested in filing a civil action against them

Written February 2014 on a Saturday (2014-02-08)

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Marc L. Meigs
Oregon lawyer

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Marc L. Meigs
9999 SW Wilshire St, #110
Portland, OR 97225

Contact Marc L. Meigs to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.

Office hours

Listed business hours are general only. Call (503) 291-9220 to learn about office hours.

Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


Phone: (503) 291-9220
Fax: No listed fax number.

Email address

No listed email address.

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