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Kelly III, L William - Kelly Schroeder in Grand Island, NE

Kelly III, L William - Kelly Schroeder (All Law Firms) is practicing law in Grand Island, Nebraska. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category Criminal Lawyers in All Law Firms.

You can reach us on phone number (308) 382-7510, fax number or email address . Our office is located on 305 S Locust St, Grand Island, NE,

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Areas of practice & Law firm overview

Kelly III, L William - Kelly Schroeder is listed under All Law Firms in Grand Island, Nebraska .

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There's currently no information available about fees or if Kelly III, L William - Kelly Schroeder offers free initial consultation.


The information below about Kelly III, L William - Kelly Schroeder is optional and only visible if provided by the owner. Call (308) 382-7510 to learn more.

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1 comments, questions or reviews - Add

allan t mccall friends of the late robert kelly watched nebraska colo nebraska added information

colo aclu has a lot on situation feeding them now for about three years infirmation on happeninings starting over in life after 51 years of work you know or should know about what is going on no means anymore very seldom or occasionly do fax something run out certain areas own stomping grounds lakewoow new up arvada almost set upcia behind police vehicle looking for me now remember here where i am at now no cell phone no place to live you wonder why dont go to police part of it, i have listed in the faxes this course time all buisness ran out anything before right now or in future if not good all lies no car to no bus passes looking for work regurlaly call thr orackle of omaha think own dad with bad alziemers protect me killed rest of family because now findind out just within a month ago related to a whisky fortune other monies and to find out thier may or may not be doing this to blackmail whisky fortune thier mambe the oldest one from englandor great britian. lot more onthe aclu faxes after the vehicle followed police car about three hours before the stewert bruce mcdonald mccall have criminal eliment involved the two cars that pulled in right be side were theMafia they wre there to protect from the police carring cia have to guess about this even if not right after 1983 almost met my demise an now findind as a monthago ex wife might mayllee grand master mrs theos whyoming might all be behind it she asked why coulnt find work maybe threwatning old bosses anthing sais or done to her apolozed several times she has done much more horrible things to me not a thought of doing wrong, nothing but help her develpmentally disabled son bill, waltergerash asked if looked at aclu and mark silverstein thanks graitude allan mccall

Written August 2014 on a Thursday (2014-08-28)

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Kelly III, L William - Kelly Schroeder
Nebraska lawyer

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Kelly III, L William - Kelly Schroeder
305 S Locust St
Grand Island, NE 68801

Contact Kelly III, L William - Kelly Schroeder to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.

Office hours

Listed business hours are general only. Call (308) 382-7510 to learn about office hours.

Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


Phone: (308) 382-7510
Fax: No listed fax number.

Email address

No listed email address.

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william kelly attorney grand island nekelly schroeder law firm "william kelly"

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