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Hildebrand Thomas E Attorney in Granite City, IL
Hildebrand Thomas E Attorney (Criminal Law) is practicing law in Granite City, Illinois. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category Lawyers - All in Criminal Law.

You can reach us on phone number (618) 877-5471, fax number or email address . Our office is located on 2709 Madison Ave, Granite City, IL,
For full contact details to this lawyer have a look at the the column to your right (or scroll if you're viewing this on a mobile device.)
Areas of practice & Law firm overview
Hildebrand Thomas E Attorney is listed under Criminal Law in Granite City, Illinois .
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Fees and & free initial consultation
There's currently no information available about fees or if Hildebrand Thomas E Attorney offers free initial consultation.
The information below about Hildebrand Thomas E Attorney is optional and only visible if provided by the owner. Call (618) 877-5471 to learn more.
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5 comments, questions or reviews - Add
Charles Wayne Hatton added information
My friend Carla Hoffmann is sending this for me on my request. I have been in Madison county jail for almost 10 months on charges of car jacking and procession a stolen vehicle. I never even drive the car. Or did I high jacked anything. I would like to meet with you I'd possible and hire you. I never have had a felony. I would like talk to you and hire you. Thank you could you please come and see me or call 618 567 2701 ask for Carla Hoffmann she can help with some information.
Thank you for your time
Charles Hatton
Charles Wayne Hatton asked a question
My friend Carla Hoffmann is sending this for me on my request. I having been in mm Madison county jail for almost 10 months on charges of car jacking and procession a stolen vehicle. I never even drive the car. Or did I high jacked anything. I would like to meet with you I'd possible and hire you. I have had a felony
Written March 2017 on a Monday (2017-03-20)Charles Wayne Hatton asked a question
My friend Carla Hoffmann is sending this for me on my request. I having been in mm Madison county jail for almost 10 months on charges of car jacking and procession a stolen vehicle. I never even drive the car. Or did I high jacked anything. I would like to meet with you I'd possible and hire you. I have had a felony. I would like talk to you and hire you. Thank you could you please cone and see me
Thank you for your time
Charles Hatton
Denessa asked a question
I was arrested and taken to jail for failure to appear and was in possession of less than 5 grams of meth. When my friends and family called the recording at Madison county jail, it said I was in possession of over 15 grams of heroin. I know there is no excuse for that and I want to fight them. Just don't work and don't know where to start.
Written March 2017 on a Wednesday (2017-03-22)elizabeth wrote something
Need a consultation
Written January 2018 on a Tuesday (2018-01-02)Hildebrand Thomas E Attorney
Illinois lawyer
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Hildebrand Thomas E Attorney 2709 Madison Ave
Granite City, IL 62040
Contact Hildebrand Thomas E Attorney to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.
Office hours
Listed business hours are general only. Call (618) 877-5471 to learn about office hours.
Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Phone: (618) 877-5471
Fax: No listed fax number.
Email address
No listed email address.
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