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Hagans Robert F Jr Lawyer in Norfolk, VA
Hagans Robert F Jr Lawyer (Attorneys) is practicing law in Norfolk, Virginia. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category Lawyers - All in Attorneys.
You can reach us on phone number (757) 627-5215, fax number or email address . Our office is located on Suntrust Centre, Norfolk, VA,
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Areas of practice & Law firm overview
Hagans Robert F Jr Lawyer is listed under Attorneys in Norfolk, Virginia .
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Fees and & free initial consultation
There's currently no information available about fees or if Hagans Robert F Jr Lawyer offers free initial consultation.
The information below about Hagans Robert F Jr Lawyer is optional and only visible if provided by the owner. Call (757) 627-5215 to learn more.
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1 comments, questions or reviews - Add
Anthony M Cheeks wrote something
Dear Attorney Hagans:
The reason for sending you this e-mail message is to request your Law Firm’s assistance, in the following
Civil Legal Action, filed in the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, for the Eastern District of Virginia, Norfolk Division
Estate of Raymond L. Cheeks
150 Federal Blvd
Knoxville, Tennessee 37934
(865) 386-8293
Office of the City Attorney
355 Crawford Street, Suite # 700
Portsmouth, VA 23704
Case No.: 2:13Cu289
The CITY OF PORTSMOUTH chose to demolish the property without adequate notification to the Estate of Raymond L. Cheeks or his heirs. In addition; the Estate of Raymond L. Cheeks is administrated by Romaine Evans, (the Deceased) sister, who’s mailing and physical address; is 150 Federal Blvd., Knoxville, TN 37934. The residual house situated at 537 Mount Vernon Avenue (the “Propertyâ€) was scheduled to be demolished on August 14, 2010, in which the CITY OF PORTSMOUTH demolished the house on August 11th, 2012. In addition; the demolition of the property located at 537 Mount Vernon Avenue, Portsmouth, Virginia, where the Estate of Raymond L. Cheeks is contesting the action; stating it should not have been done under the “authorization of police power of the State.†The Estate of Raymond L. Cheeks is also stating as a general principle, upon demolition of property located at 537 Mount Vernon Avenue, Portsmouth, VA, for public use the availability of a post-deprivation inverse condemnation action by statue affords this estate due process of law.
(I) Grounds for Jurisdiction:
The Estate of Raymond L. Cheeks and his heirs believe that the Federal Court is the appropriate court for this case for the following reasons:
1.0. City of Portsmouth, Virginia Circuit and District Courts noted in court that no further remedies for relief existed.
2.0. City of Portsmouth violated the Civil Rights of the Estate of Raymond L. Cheeks and his heirs.
3.0. The City of Portsmouth, its Circuit and District Courts prohibited the Estate of Raymond L. Cheeks’ rights to Due Process as required by Federal Law.
4.0. The City of Portsmouth violated the opportunity of the Estate of Raymond L. Cheeks and its’ heirs to receive protection under the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Anthony M. Cheeks
Hagans Robert F Jr Lawyer Suntrust Centre
Norfolk, VA 23502
Contact Hagans Robert F Jr Lawyer to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.
Office hours
Listed business hours are general only. Call (757) 627-5215 to learn about office hours.
Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Phone: (757) 627-5215
Fax: No listed fax number.
Email address
No listed email address.
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