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Dummit- E. Clarke Attorney in Winston-Salem, NC
Dummit Fradin is a strong litigation Law Firm. We have a long history of providing valued civil and criminal litigation services to our clients throughout North Carolina.It is only through strength in the courtroom that any negotiating power is developed. Many attorneys are not comfortable in a courtroom and avoid litigation. Not at Dummit Fradin.
Our lawyers bring experience, knowledge and effective advocacy skills to every client and every case. Our team of litigation attorneys is in the courtroom every day, preparing for every legal battle that comes their way.
We are more than just qualified attorneys; we are listeners, making time for clients when time is scarce. We are educators, sharing our knowledge with our clients and the community. We are fighters, always determined to find or create solutions when it seems impossible.
We help clients with legal needs in these practice areas: DWI defense, Social Security Disability, family law, criminal defense, traffic defense, workers' compensation, auto accidents, personal injury, civil litigation and employment law.
Contact Our Trial Attorneys
Dummit Fradin can help with wide variety of legal matters, including DWI and family law. We have three office locations to serve our clients better. To meet with us, call Winston-Salem at 336-777-8081, Greensboro at 336-482-3848 or Charlotte at 704-319-7200. We offer free initial consultations for DWI, traffic, criminal and personal injury clients.
Dummit- E. Clarke Attorney (Attorneys) is practicing law in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category Lawyers - All in Attorneys.
You can reach us on phone number (336) 777-8081, fax number (336) 777-0160 or email address Our office is located on 1133 West First Street, Winston-Salem, NC,
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Areas of practice & Law firm overview
Dummit- E. Clarke Attorney is listed under Attorneys in Winston-Salem, North Carolina .
Areas of practice and expertise
Our practice areas include: • DWI Defense • We are known throughout the region as aggressive and effective DWI defense attorneys. We seek results and work to minimize the impacts of DWI on our clients' lives. • Social Security • We represent clients with a variety of Social Security legal issues including initial benefit applications as well as denials SSI and short- or long-term disability. • Family Law • We help clients deal with difficult family law situations. Our lawyers develop creative solutions for all family issues including divorce property division child support child custody fathers' rights and grandparent visitation. • Criminal Defense • We are focused on protecting the legal rights of all those charged with crimes and obtaining the best possible results. Our Winston-Salem criminal defense attorneys handle all criminal cases such as misdemeanors felonies drug charges violent crimes and sex crimes. • Traffic Defense • Traffic offenses and tickets can create disruPro tip Browse Lawyers, Attorneys & Law firms in Winston-Salem, North Carolina by legal issue and category.
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Fees and & free initial consultation
There's currently no information available about fees or if Dummit- E. Clarke Attorney offers free initial consultation.
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Dummit- E. Clarke Attorney
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Dummit- E. Clarke Attorney 1133 West First Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Contact Dummit- E. Clarke Attorney to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.
Office hours
8 AM to 6 PM Monday thru Friday
Phone: (336) 777-8081
Fax: (336) 777-0160
Email address
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