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Daniel A. Andrist in San Diego, CA
Daniel A. Andrist (Attorneys) is practicing law in San Diego, California. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category Lawyers - All in Attorneys.

You can reach us on phone number (619) 365-9113, fax number (619) 765-3213 or email address . Our office is located on 402 West Broadway, Suite 400, San Diego, CA,
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Areas of practice & Law firm overview
Daniel A. Andrist is listed under Attorneys in San Diego, California .
Areas of practice and expertise
Insurance Coverage Insurance LawPro tip Browse Lawyers, Attorneys & Law firms in San Diego, California by legal issue and category.
Attorneys in San Diego
Lawyers in San Diego
Accident Attorneys in San Diego
Family Law in San Diego
Disability Law Attorneys in San Diego
Insurance Law Attorneys in San Diego
Business Services in San Diego
Bankruptcy Attorneys in San Diego
Employment & Labor Law in San Diego
Vehicular Accident Attorneys in San Diego
Fees and & free initial consultation
Free Initial Consultation.Qualifications
The information below about Daniel A. Andrist is optional and only visible if provided by the owner. Call (619) 365-9113 to learn more.
Bar Admissions
Professional Associations and Memberships
California Bar Association, San Diego County Bar AssociationClasses and Seminars
Oregon State University Political Science/Military Science, BS 1976; National University, Operations Management MBA,1987; University of San Diego School of Law, JD 19911 comments, questions or reviews - Add
Ann McArthur posted a comment
Mr. Andrist has advised me on insurance issues for more than two decades. He has always laid out my options clearly and has done a good job of explaining the legal issues involved in my choices. He's easy to work with, a good communicator, highly personable, and a man of sterling moral integrity. His high level of experience and technical competence make him the man you want in your corner fighting for you. I recommend him without reservation.
Written December 2014 on a Wednesday (2014-12-24)Daniel A. Andrist
California lawyer
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Daniel A. Andrist 402 West Broadway, Suite 400
San Diego, CA 92101
Contact Daniel A. Andrist to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.
Office hours
M - F 9 AM to 5 PM Closed Sat and Sun
Phone: (619) 365-9113
Fax: (619) 765-3213
Email address
No listed email address.