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Dagg Gosta E Attorneys in Everett, WA
Dagg Gosta E Attorneys (Attorneys) is practicing law in Everett, Washington. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category Lawyers - All in Attorneys.
You can reach us on phone number (425) 258-3553, fax number or email address . Our office is located on 3401 Colby Ave, Everett, WA,
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1 comments, questions or reviews - Add
Russell Leininger added information
What I need I Washington state Bar to do something.!
Daimler Trucks North America
4555 N. Channel Ave.
Portland, OR 97217
Phone (503) 745-8000
Fax (503) 745-8921
Dearest President at Daimler
Roger M. Neilsen
RE: legal help against a big case of "democracy"
have your friends on FACEBook look for
Jon E Ostlund Attorney At
3161 Biz Point Road
Anacortes, WA 98221
Please understand my wife Anastaisa Boffoli Mom and Grandmother is three generation
family too "Anacortes,WASHINGTON"
this attorney made illegal judgment and sentence coasting tax payers$3 million dollars. state of Washington DOC and DSH tried to murder me too cover it up has lead into Washington county Oregon Jennifer brown attempting to take my wife child Jacob Boffoli before the Oregon supreme courts .
JON OSTLUND is being deliberately evils "Anacortes" we need your town supports. "please".
"If they DSH" was too take my wife child "she would kill her self".
tacoma :
joey robert vojta "WOOD CZECH MOB'
cherly Vojta and her child Maurice
live in Forcrest,WA...they are my biololgical family.
Molly is my adoupted sister:
Louie and Molly Peterson live in Gig Harbor and are into
music and there own instruments and loud wild bands out of controll parties
in Gig Harbor
RE: if you know of them or know them now you know what we are up against
RFL stabbing a innocent black man to death coming out of the bushes at the park...RSL was able to get Corp.
Attorney David Kell to the Chief of Portland Police and them "good" people turned it into
"nigger attempting to rape RFL pregnant with his child "girlfriend" .
My uncle Norman and Janet Leininger told me this murder (3) years ago and how RFL should have never been allowed to adopt children.
This laidy pregnant with RFL boy took off never to be see or herd of again.
Harvey Weisenstein allowed RFL to married Alice Ann. Alice could not have children.
Russell offers (Chet) Dale Robert Vojta too make him baby like Joey Robert vojta
found out joeys mom has cancer and is going to die.
Chet Wife ask if Judy lee Holliman would lay with Chet make RFL a baby for $500.00 cash and she said Yes.
Judy uncle is Earl Holliman from the move Forgotten Planet .
Joey Robert vojta in Tacoma Washington grampa is in the encyclopedia as Czech republic very first 1%er.
After RSL died they murder our general manager Wally...beat me and my sister up at (8) taking our diplomatic pass ports:
Russell sam Leininger Prince of Poland
Hilda Leininger princess of Poland
Russell Frank Leininger Prince of Poland
Alice ann leininger princess of Poland
Russell Charles leininger Prince of Poland
molly Ann Lininger prince of Poland ,
Daivd and Lori Sicilia at the shop leininger polishing and plating Corp was about to get married 1883 .
I was (17) they showed me them pass ports and how Neola leininger Sicilia had typed adopted next to RCL , MAL name.
David sicilia is gypsy joker ,
Vancouver,Washington and at the time of murder is spreading rumomers that homicide officer had told him three business man from Chicago held Wally down in his front room killing him...
yet ten years latter in Charlotte NC running our chrome plating shop as david traded a polishing Michigan to a man on Kings Mt. named Rick for a hand gun,
David told us RCL and Rick how him and Eddie along with shitty smitty been doing drive by shootings on black people and when it was his turn gun never went off.
I believe they murder Wally and illegally took over my loft stock at leininger polishing and plating corp.
Daivd Sicilia said both Ross Allan Leininger and Rex Allen Leininger should be in a federal prison over identity theft: RAL and RAL both got registered as native American with dual citizenship in anchorage Alaska using a tribe in Germany too make up the loss percent of American blood needed too bee native american and get $$ profit shares on all mineral rights and oil.
“tribe in Germany is a Historical document not being duplicated worth $30,000 on is own. They did this 1988 registered after Alice Ann Leininger died.
WSH doctor Arnold scratch out court finding.
Dr. Arnold telling me Superior Court Judge did not know what he doing .
Caused me to brake a broomstick and take staff as hostagesat Western state Hospital " in Dr. Arnold unit" of most violent people in state of Washington history"
At the first 72 houry Hearing public defender Mary Openorth was my attorney ,
Superior court order me to be released within ten days into my own apartment none violent ,
"no medication".
Dr. Arnold turned my court findings into rapo hunting and abusing a sex offender.
Dr.arnold used a doctor from none violent unit to sign off some document that gave some judge a "right" to let Dr.Arnold force feed anti medication seroqual down my nose force feeding me any time I refused to take it.
Dr. Arnold and the astitnemt Attorney generaul made each six month review look like RCW 71.09 , they was so out of line they all should have been arrested. once you understand RCW 71.05 gravely disabled act which I was committed under.
Its 18 months of illegal due process as Russell Charles Leininger as WSH Dr. Arnold
abusing me and alters my brain illegally.
(3) staff said Dr. Arnold told them to lie in cases like mine.
Russ Leininger corp. attorney David lee Kell after all my family has done $$$$$$$$$$$$ for you to allow this:
50ty million in damages because of attorney Jon
Ostlund violations in covering up first amended information.
Russell Charles Leininger and his little cousin Christopher Sicilia have $50ty million in damages
at Leininger polishing and plating Corp ( aka masic Industrial ). 503-232-9109 .
WE want attorney Jon Ostlund arrest asap.
Conspiracy is working with state Mac Setter to not informing me of "first amended information".
And to make me believe both counts of first degree kidnap will be dismissed if I plead guilty to count 2 . rape first degree.
State willing to dismiss both counts you plead guilty to count 2. rape first degree.
thats not the first amended information.
there is no information or indictments with this information.
They made illegal judgement and sentencing and much latter at
RCW 71.09 in 1996 the Attorney Generaul demands DSH to get
Bellingham Washington superior court Judge case has to be reversed and over turned .
P.O.Box 86321
Portland,Oregon 97286
(503) 660-5178
RE: my uncle Ross sicilia told attorney jon Ostlund I had to go to trial
It was day to pick my jury for trial at rape case .
My own attorney told the judge I was guilty and would not except a guilty plea.
Jon Ostlund asking for a five day continuance because his client is guilty (me)
russell charles leininger , making me objection onto the record.
Judge granted this illegal (5) day continuance because
[I] Russell Charles Leininger refused to plead guilty.
State of Washington Mac Setter had discovery hearing during
my own attorney Jon Ostlund five [5] day continuance.
see first amended information.
Now Jon Ostlund puts in writing the rape victim refused to go to trial to Washington state bar.
Oregon Washington county tried take my wife's kid stating i untreated sex offender.
Washington state attorney general wants my rape conviction overturned RCW 71.09
discovery sentenced to gun element in conflict of first amended information kidnapping element.
Christopher Sicilia ,Russell Charles Leininger little cousin at Masic industrial Portland Oregon
hired attorney James Matthews to investigate Bellingham Washington superior court files 90-1-00252-0:
(1) public defender wrote guilty plea statement informing Russell state would dismiss both counts first degree kidnapping. (
2) guilty plea transcript confirm.
(3) first amended information .
Vancouver , WA Attorney Matthews said do to way state violated my rights have been violated
by withholding first amended information from defendant and records statutes of limitation never apply.
Attorney Matthews said this case has to be over turned for a fare trial.
Portland Oregon DOC probation Dylan Arthur said I am not allowed into sex offender treatment tell sentenced to correct crime elements.
RCW 71.09 is the discovery of being sentenced to gun elements by attorney general demanding
DSH to get sentencing judge case must be overturned.
gun element > kidnapping First amended information is kidnapping element STATE cant be denial.
After the guilty plea Jon Ostlund quit left me in county jail (6) more month
before the court had to hier Attorney Rodney R Moody for my sentencing.
Attorney Moody done gone crazy on me over all the things Jon Ostlund did do.
I Russell Charles Leininger has celiac disease , along with delusional hearing and certified 2nd and 3rd grade reading writing punctuation skills.
I Russell Charles Leininger honestly tell you this case originally is Reckless driven and unlawful imprisonment.
Only after I made up everything state let arrested man go and charged Russell Leininger
with three class AAA felonies ,
no evidence to support indictments.
AAA gun element vs AB kidnapping element
I have to be informed to first amended information
Anastasia Boffoli 503-816-6029 DSH Jennifer brown Washington county is before supreme court of Oregon attempting take my wife kid because im untreated sex offender is out rage of evils.
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Discipline Notice - Rodney R. Moody
License Number: 17416 Member Name: Rodney R. Moody
Action: Suspension Effective Date: 08/15/2008
Lawyer RPC Violated: 1.2 - Scope of Representation
1.4 - Communication
1.14 - (prior to 9/1/2006) Preserving Identity of Funds and Property of a Client
Discipline Notice:
Description: Rodney R. Moody (WSBA No. 17416, admitted 1987), of Kirkland, was suspended for 18 months followed by two years' probation, effective August 15, 2008, by order of the Washington State Supreme Court following a stipulated withdrawal of an appeal. This discipline resulted from conduct involving failure to communicate, failure to abide by a client's decisions, and trust account violations.
Matter No. 1: A Bar Association audit of Mr. Moody's trust account for the period of January 1, 2003, to February 29, 2004, and a second audit for the period from March 1, 2004, through August 31, 2006, disclosed a number of problems related to Mr. Moody's handling of his trust account:
• Failure to maintain complete records of all funds in trust;
• Failure to maintain individual client records;
• Actual deposits into Mr. Moody's trust account did not track the purported deposits into trust identified in his "Funds with Running Balances Reports";
• Funds were withdrawn from Mr. Moody's client trust account without substantiating or identifying his entitlement to the funds; and
• Mr. Moody did not reconcile his trust account bank statements with his check register.
Matter No. 2: In June 2002, Mr. Moody agreed to represent a client in a dissolution matter. The client had been arrested and incarcerated following an argument with his wife, and remained incarcerated during the entire dissolution proceeding. While representing the client, Mr. Moody engaged in the following conduct:
• Following a sale of the client's family home, Mr. Moody deposited all or a portion of the client's home sale proceeds into his general business account when the funds had not all been earned.
• Mr. Moody failed to abide by the client's decision to reject the proposed property settlement and go to trial, and instead entered into the final property settlement in the client's dissolution without the client's authorization.
Mr. Moody's conduct violated RPC 1.2(a), requiring a lawyer to abide by a client's decisions concerning the objectives of representation and consult with a client as to the means by which they are to be pursued; RPC 1.4, requiring a lawyer to keep a client reasonably informed about the status of a matter, promptly comply with reasonable requests for information, and explain a matter to the extent reasonably necessary to permit the client to make informed decisions about the representation; former RPC 1.14(a), requiring all funds of clients paid to a lawyer or law firm be deposited into one or more identifiable interest-bearing trust accounts maintained as set forth by the rules and no funds of the lawyer be deposited therein; and former RPC 1.14(b)(3), requiring a lawyer to maintain complete records of all funds, securities, and other properties of a client coming into the possession of a lawyer and render appropriate accounts to his or her client regarding them.
Leslie C. Allen and Debra J. Slater represented the Bar Association. Randy V. Beitel represented the Bar Association on appeal. Mr. Moody represented himself. Mary H. Wechsler was the hearing officer.
Dagg Gosta E Attorneys 3401 Colby Ave
Everett, WA 98201
Contact Dagg Gosta E Attorneys to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.
Office hours
Listed business hours are general only. Call (425) 258-3553 to learn about office hours.
Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Phone: (425) 258-3553
Fax: No listed fax number.
Email address
No listed email address.
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