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D'Auria, Robert H - D'Auria Law Offices in Bedford, MA

D'Auria, Robert H - D'Auria Law Offices (Lawyers) is practicing law in Bedford, Massachusetts. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category All Law Firms in Lawyers.

You can reach us on phone number (781) 275-2900, fax number or email address . Our office is located on 41 North Rd, #205, Bedford, MA,

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Jessica Sheridan added information

Hi I have a few things going on that I wanted to talk to you about some having to do with the boys another to do with filing an appeal to the lowell district court. I'm not sure if the two relate but ever since my two older boys came to the Chelmsford Schools with IEPs that they did not have the resources for they have been extremely retaliatory, have harassed Andy and I, have taken cruel actions, do not follow the laws, etc. They would not allow my children to start school until a week after school started and we only got then placed by forcing the district to.
My middle son, Teddy, was never truly placed in a classroom until Nov. 17th, even though he is supposed to be full inclusion. He was being placed at a table by himself and being handed papers. He has always been in a classroom and only pulled out for speech which the town was supposed to be following.
When I requested in Oct. to go over the IEPS and how they were being implemented the next day I had DCF called. The woman did not come out for 11 days and when she did, she pulled Scott out of his classroom without our consent or knowledge and took him into a room without any other staff member present. She started asking him questions about his sexual abuse and he asked her to leave a few times.
During this time the school continued to mark my children late and as having unexcused tardies although they were not. We paid 500$ to have them take the bus so we could change this. The school told us everyday where the bus would be and what time. For 5 days straight the bus never showed up in the morning, during this week Andrew and I called the school admin offices and the bus still would not show up in the morning but would drop them off in the afternoon. On Wed afternoon Scott asked the bus driver why he was not coming in the morning and he answered he was told not to.
The school also called the truancy officer.
In Nov. When I rejected Chelmsfords proposed IEP the town filed a juvenile court complaint the next week.
DCF did not go further and I was not negligent. When. I attended the court the clerk magistrate was very upset with the school.
They've done a lot more than this and I have it all in writing and recorded from the. very 1st day of school.
I was able to get them to admit that they had been pulling teddy out without my consent and had him in a trial program.

About 2 months ago a boy was screaming down the street. Scott and my dog were outside and my dog had shook off his leash and went up to see what was going on. At this point the mother and child who are terrified of dogs Began to kick him in the face. My dog tried to take the boys thick boot off and did end up making 2 liaisons on him. After the boot was off my dog just placed around them and the woman and son were still hitting him. They did end up sitting down on the ground I grabbed my dog and they went home. The family and dog officer both filed a petition to the Selectmen. None of this was ever investigated and I had told the b o are my children had IEPS for social and emotional problems. They extended the meeting until the next month.
On Monday of this week we continued and I was never listened to and the animal control never investigated anything.
When I went to show the board a portion of the IEPS they made me meet with an executive town council. He said I could not show it unless I signed off on the piece of paper they sent me. This paper made it so that only a chelmsford IEP could be used, in which we just had teddys yearly meeting and they had dropped almost all of his services and we were sending to the state. We would have been forced to sign this along with allowing the town to have free access to all of their school records from the past and in the future not only for this hearing but for business matters as well. I refused to sign it. Found out after asking this executive council they forced on me (which in reality was only one person) was the town's own attorney. Once he knew I was not going to take his council he became extremely mean and I asked him what the outcome of this was going to be and as walking back into the room he said you can appeal it.
When we went back out to the hearing the town's attorney went up to the podium and recommended that they did not accept the IEPS.
When I went to give them the IEPS the town refused. I then said even if I placed it on your desk would you look at it or consider it. The answer was no.

After this the dog officer recommended my dogs both be euthanized, one which wasn't even involved.

The board voted for them to be euthanized within 12 days. I need to file an appeal to the Lowell district court but do not know how to. I was wondering if I could pay you to write something up and send it in so I can have an actual trial and not have my dogs be killed.

I looked up other dangerous dog hearings in the town of Chelmsford and none of them were as brutal as this. Others but a few people and were ordered to secure their property etc.

If you have a moment today could you call me at 781 774 9220.

Written May 2015 on a Thursday (2015-05-14)

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D'Auria, Robert H - D'Auria Law Offices
Massachusetts lawyer

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D'Auria, Robert H - D'Auria Law Offices
41 North Rd, #205
Bedford, MA 01730

Contact D'Auria, Robert H - D'Auria Law Offices to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.

Office hours

Listed business hours are general only. Call (781) 275-2900 to learn about office hours.

Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


Phone: (781) 275-2900
Fax: No listed fax number.

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