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Crouse Richard L Attorney in Winston-Salem, NC

Crouse Richard L Attorney (Attorneys) is practicing law in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category Lawyers - All in Attorneys.

You can reach us on phone number (336) 777-1756, fax number or email address . Our office is located on 601 W 4th St, #201, Winston-Salem, NC,

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Crouse Richard L Attorney is listed under Attorneys in Winston-Salem, North Carolina .

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There's currently no information available about fees or if Crouse Richard L Attorney offers free initial consultation.


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1 comments, questions or reviews - Add

Tamren Kincer wrote something

Hello Mr. Crouse i was referred to you by Mr. Walsh. I am seeking a pro bono lawyer and he said he believes you do pro bono work. I am in desperate need and need help regaining custody of my two oldest children from my mother. I will try and make a long story short, In 2006 I decided to enter into the Army to try and give my kids and myself a better life. I was a single mother so i was told i had to sign over custody of my kids to someone so that if god forbid i went to war and was killed there would be someone to take care of my kids. I chose to leave them with my parents. We went to Mr. Stadford Peebles and had papers drawn up to transfer custody. The only reason i agreed to sign over custody was because we ( my father, mother and myself ) had made a verbal agreement in front of the lawyer and two witnesses that in the event i made it to my duty station or was for any reason discharged custody would be signed back over to me. I was discharged 8 weeks into basic training and went i got home and asked my mom to sign my kids back over to me she flat out said No they are my kids now. It has been 9 years now and i have missed a tremendous amount of time with my children that i will never be able to get back. I have been denied contact with them many times over the past 9 years. What happens is my mom will let me see them and spend time with them but as soon as we regain our closeness and they start asking when they get to come home she forbids me to see or speak to them. It has taken it's tole on my kids and i. It has been 3 years since i was last allowed contact with my children until recently when my oldest son and i spoke on facebook. Again he is asking when does he get to come home. My boys are 11 and 13 this year. I have been trying to get help getting my kids back for many many years but no one will help me. I do not have money to pay for legal fees which is why i need someone to take my case on Pro bono. There is much more to what has gone on. I am begging you to please help me if you can. and if you are unable can you please direct me to someone who can. You can contact me via email at kincertamren26@gmail.com or by phone (336)997-1809. Thank you for your time.

Written March 2015 on a Tuesday (2015-03-24)

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Crouse Richard L Attorney
North Carolina lawyer

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Crouse Richard L Attorney
601 W 4th St, #201
Winston-Salem, NC 27101

Contact Crouse Richard L Attorney to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.

Office hours

Listed business hours are general only. Call (336) 777-1756 to learn about office hours.

Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


Phone: (336) 777-1756
Fax: No listed fax number.

Email address

No listed email address.

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