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Cameron- Dennis C. Attorney in Tulsa, OK
Cameron- Dennis C. Attorney (Consumer Protection) is practicing law in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This lawyer is listed on Lawyer Map under the main category Lawyers - All in Consumer Protection.
You can reach us on phone number (918) 595-4807, fax number (918) 595-4990 or email address Our office is located on 100 W 5th St, Tulsa, OK,
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Areas of practice & Law firm overview
Cameron- Dennis C. Attorney is listed under Consumer Protection in Tulsa, Oklahoma .
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Fees and & free initial consultation
There's currently no information available about fees or if Cameron- Dennis C. Attorney offers free initial consultation.
The information below about Cameron- Dennis C. Attorney is optional and only visible if provided by the owner. Call (918) 595-4807 to learn more.
Bar Admissions
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1 comments, questions or reviews - Add
Linda Walker asked a question
I have dealt with Copart Auto Auction for years, always buying Clean Titles, Insurance cars either hail, or theft recovery..
Last week I bought a 2015 Chevrolet Sonic ( Farmeres Insurance) Clean Title (Theft Recovery) It had a Oklahoma Clean Title referencing (Theft Recovery) in small letters in the corner of the title..When I titled it in Missouri, my title came back with Prior Salvage stamped on my title..Copart says I will have to fight with MO Dept of Rev..They say Farmers did not salvage out the car...Is this false advertising, or is MO Dept of Rev at fault?
Please help?
Cameron- Dennis C. Attorney 100 W 5th St
Tulsa, OK 74103
Contact Cameron- Dennis C. Attorney to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.
Office hours
Listed business hours are general only. Call (918) 595-4807 to learn about office hours.
Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Phone: (918) 595-4807
Fax: (918) 595-4990
Email address
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